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Moon Stages

Asheville Moon Society

Join us for Monthly Gatherings, Women's Retreats & Gatherings that support and uplift women & families.

Gather with other women in community on the Path of Embodied Love and Light.  

Meet Narayani & Salome'

Asheville Moon Society Founders 

Our of their mutual love to uplift women we began Asheville Moon Society New Moon Circles, Workshops and Gatherings for our beautiful community.


We are grateful for the amazing response to our offerings and are enjoying the journey of building community in 2023 in this new era where the feminiie power is strong and rising at this time


Currently Monthly Circles are on break as we enter into prayer with the best ways to support the community.

What a wonderful being celebrating the moon, spring equinox and communing with the new moon sisterhood. Thank you Narayani Gaia for holding and creating such a beautiful space for us all!

- LHS,  March 2023

Thank you for holding a wonderful ceremony. So glad I made it. It was great. I love your energy, it was well worth the time and you put in. a lot, def shows and well worth it

JF, Spring Equinox Circle 2023

Thank you for gathering and connecting us and creating community

- EJ, Asheville March 2023

AUGUST 24 2023. Weaving Rainbows Downtown

Abundance Activation


Prosperity Worhsop for Lightworkers, Healers &  Wellness ,Practitioners.


Healers need to fill our cups so we can give from overflow.


For those who want to do some money magic together, you want to be there.


Beloved, Do you want to make more money and share your gifts? 


My passion is supporting healers, lightworkers and wellness practitioners to get grounded and focused so they can manifest prosperity and joy.


Lets do the inner and outer work to create containers of abundant success!!!


Aug 24, 2023. 6:30-9pm EST. $55- $88 sliding scale


Past Events

Stay engaged in community with women who see you, get you and want you to win

Summer Solstice Ceremony.png

WHEN: Sunday June 18 2023  

WHERE : Samasati Sanctuary Weaverville NC 

TIME: 7-9 pm

WHAT: In this 2 hour ritual, you will get to experience powerful transformation supported by practices such as 


  • Song

  • Movement

  • Prayer

  • Heart Sharing

  • Cleansing Puja

  • Moon Prayers

  • Sisterhood

  • Magic!!!!



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